Friday Sep 16, 2022
how to cope with the pandemic
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Coping with the pandemic can be challenging, but there are strategies and techniques you can use to manage stress and take care of your mental health. Learn how to cope with the pandemic and adapt to the new normal with these helpful tips and tools.
About Miss Walker
Miss Walker has been teaching people the Bible for 30 years.Doing religious volunteers work. She was a member of American Counseling Association in 12-17-2021 she took COMPLICATED GRIEF: AN EVOLVING THEORETICAL LANDSCAPE the course helps counselors with recommendations for identifying and treating complicated grief.
09-15-2023 American Counseling Association the course helps Counselors to learn the introduction to Narrative Theory.
2. Counselors will leave the course with numerous creative methods to help them improve their story therapy sessions with
Miss Walker is a member of the National AllianceAmerican Counsel on Mental Illness, actively pursuing a better understanding of mental health every day. Life's a constant journey of self-improvement.
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American counseling association course Identifying & Expanding Coping Resilience Post-Disaster Using the BASIC-Ph Model